As a woman who went through sex ed in public schools, I felt I was sold a bill of goods. It failed to prepare me for cervical fluids, cleaning my vulva properly, choosing the right menstrual products and more. Sometime in my early 20’s after being on hormonal birth control for several years already, I woke up. I read “Cunt, A Declaration of Independence” and it was raw. It stirred up feelings of anger and betrayal. I wasn’t sure what to do with this newfound information but what I could, quietly, in my bathroom. I found alternative menstrual products that felt better. Soft cups insteadRead More →

When I first heard there was going to be a Women’s March in Washington, D.C. I wanted to be there, on the National Mall with what would turn out to be a massive crowd of women and men. A women’s strike. A strike against the new administration. A march for so many reasons and causes I care deeply about. I care deeply about reproductive issues. As a doula who works with women every day, I have seen fear in their eyes. I have heard their struggle to rationalize how hatred came into the White House. I hear women who are legal immigrants scared to speakRead More →