Everyone should have a doula if possible.

Our greatest fear was that we had no clue what we were doing, and after taking a birthing class with The Nest in Pullman we decided that having a doula would put our fears at ease. Having a doula was very helpful with preparing for delivery, having emotional and physical support during the birth, and just having a guide through the process.

Everyone should have a doula if possible. Birthing is a beautiful and scary event, so having an expert who is invested beyond your medical care is important. Rebecca was great to work with. She has amazing communication skills, she is warm, and can read the verbal and non-verbal cues of her customers. Having Rebecca there helped give me the strength to support my partner, and as a high empathy person her support was a key to success.

Having Rebecca made a very stressful event much less stressful and successful. We were able to stay at home and enjoy the comforts of home for a longer period of time before transitioning to Pullman Regional. The high touch with communication before and after the birth was very valuable. As first time parents away from family, having someone we can work with in person on our concerns and questions was amazing.

Kyle Cance
Pullman, Washington

As first time parents, the return on investment for doula care is off the charts–it was probably the single best decision and investment we made during pregnancy.

This was our first child so we honestly didn’t know what to expect (reading about labor and delivery in books and online isn’t quite the same as living through it). All things considered, we figured it’s a good idea to have someone that has been through the process before and can be level-headed during the birthing experience (because we had no idea how I, as the spouse, would react . . . I could faint, freeze, panic, or be 100% on point). Having Rebecca as our doula absolutely lived up to expectations. While I didn’t end up fainting or freezing, there were definitely instances where I was caught up in the moment and didn’t remember certain things (it’s like studying for a big test–you feel you’re ready and know it all, and then you go in and take the test, and you end up blanking on one or two questions) and Rebecca stepped in to make sure we were on track and would have a birthing experience as close to our envisoned one as we could (back to the test analogy, it’s like having someone give you hints/nudges for those questions to get you back on track).

I would say absolutely get a doula. I am convinced that having Rebecca with us allowed us to have the birthing experience that we wanted (through her advice, guidance on labor positions, and general encouragement). It’s one thing to have a plan and think you’re ready for something–it’s another thing to be able to execute on that plan once it’s go-time (there’s that saying that goes “everybody has a plan until you get punched in the mouth”–or in this case, until you get contractions in the uterus). Having a doula is like having a coach that knows your plans and is able to give you guidance and encouragement to make sure you execute on your plan (or as close to it as possible) when you start deviating from it (and let’s be realistic here, you will deviate from the plan if you’re left to be on your own).

Rebecca is wonderful in so many regards. She has a very positive and encouraging attitude (something that we very much appreciated when we were 24+ hours in to labor). She is super knowledgeable and seemed to have an in-exhaustible list of resources for us when we came to her with questions and worries (the knowledgeable part was key for us because of all the different labor positions that she suggested probably helped us to speed labor along as well as make sure baby was positioned correctly). She is very open and accommodating to different choices when it comes to birth plans and made us feel 100% confident to share with her without feeling like we were being judged. She was also available for us whenever we needed her (just knowing that gave us some measure of comfort and when labor actually came around, having a seasoned birthing veteran that we could talk to and make sure we were reacting appropriately was invaluable).

As first time parents, the return on investment for doula care is off the charts–it was probably the single best decision and investment we made during pregnancy. The most valuable part of doula care for me was having someone to coach us through the labor and delivery process to make sure that we could have the birthing experience (natural birth) that we wanted.

E. Chu
Pullman, Washington

Rebecca knew to work around us and the birth team, and provided me very apt support when I needed it.

Our inexperience with all things birth and baby related is what led me to want to hire a doula. Additionally, research seemed to suggest that the presence of a doula meant I could have a shorter labor and was less likely to have medical intervention (c-section, epidural, vacuum/forcep usage, etc) which aligned with our desire for a smooth natural birth. Having the training sessions with the doula and the informative emails helped us learn more about the birth process and baby care. Having the guidance and support of the doula during labor was very helpful and I did end up having a smooth natural birth as I wanted.

I would definitely recommend a doula especially if it’s a person’s first time giving birth. I would share with them my experience in how my doula guided me through labor poses and coached me through the process. Specifically in working with Rebecca, I would recommend them to not be shy and bring up whatever questions or concerns they have because Rebecca was very supportive and accommodating. I would share with them the specifics of how Rebecca knew to work around us and the birth team, and provided me very apt support when I needed it (ie. labor positions to help my dilate and popsicle when I was feeling fatigued with pushing).

I was able to achieve my ultimate goal of a smooth natural birth when there can be so many uncontrollable factors during birth. I was able to follow the majority of our birth plan, and we have a healthy baby boy at the end of it all. I believe having a doula was a very tangible and real reason why I progressed through labor faster and smoother. Both the easy accessibility of Rebecca by text and the in-person support during training sessions and throughout labor was very valuable to me.

B. Lee
Pullman, Washington

Rebecca is an amazing, supportive doula who listens very intently and worked extremely hard to help us meet our goals.

Prior to birth, my biggest fear was simply giving birth. We wanted the reassurance and expertise there with us to help the labor process progress. The birth process did not play out as expected, but having the doula absolutely helped us do everything we possibly could to avoid a c-section. We highly recommend hiring Rebecca. Rebecca is an amazing, supportive doula who listens very intently and worked extremely hard to help us meet our goals. We also very much appreciated the post-partum follow-up with her to reflect on the whirlwind of the experience. Having her there to track time between contractions, how long we were laboring in any given position, and keeping Sibel hydrated/fed was invaluable to us. Rebecca was so helpful, so supportive, and we highly recommend her to anyone!

Sibel West
Moscow, Idaho

I would recommend working with Rebecca because of her kind demeanor, her supportive presence during childbirth, and her willingness to debrief with you after the birth…Having a doula was worth every penny!

Since I’d never given birth before, I was mainly afraid of the unknown. My preference was to give birth naturally, and I knew that I would need a good support team to make that happen. With Rebecca as our doula, both my husband and I felt prepared going into labor and the postpartum period. I would recommend working with Rebecca because of her kind demeanor, her supportive presence during childbirth, and her willingness to debrief with you after the birth. She also provides extensive resources on labor prep and postpartum care which I’m still constantly referencing! I didn’t realize it during my labor, but Rebecca took detailed notes along the way which she shared with my husband and I at the end. It’ll be so nice to have those to look back on as we get further and further removed from the birth. Overall, working with Rebecca exceeded our expectations. Not only did the birth end with a healthy baby and mother, but it was a positive and empowering experience. I think having Rebecca as part of our birth team helped to make it so successful. Having a doula was worth every penny! It’s hard to say which part of doula care was most valuable. In the early days of working with Rebecca, it was nice to have her list of resources that help you prepare for labor/delivery. As we approached my due date, Rebecca made a couple trips to our house to talk about labor, laboring positions, and the early postpartum period. At the time, those things were extremely helpful. Now that I’m a couple weeks into the postpartum period, I find myself constantly referring to her breastfeed resources. Honestly, each part of Rebecca’s doula care had its value for particular parts of the process. Rebecca provided just the right amount of support!

Pullman, Washington

Rebecca truly went above and beyond in helping us achieve all of our goals and we couldn’t be happier with our decision to hire a doula.

As we prepared to become parents, our greatest worries were all about not knowing what to do (both for labor/birth and preparing to have our first baby), how to plan and manage appropriate goals and expectations, how to prepare for labor and birth, and what to expect from all these new and upcoming experiences. We knew we wanted a natural birth and we hoped a doula could help us plan for, prepare, and help coach us to achieve this goal as well as our other aforementioned goals.

Rebecca truly went above and beyond in helping us achieve all of our goals and we couldn’t be happier with our decision to hire a doula. My labor was long and hard, but she was there with us every step of the way, supporting both me and my husband through the entire process, offering a perfect balance of support and guidance while also advocating for us to make our own decisions along the way. All our goals and expectations were met thanks to the support and guidance of our amazing doula!

We are beyond grateful for everything Rebecca did for us and we would highly recommend her to absolutely everyone who is expecting a child. Rebecca is outstanding in her ability to listen and help develop a plan tailored to the exact needs and wants of her clients. She knows when to step in and offer guidance and direction when we were feeling lost and when to step back and advocate for us to make our own decisions and trust ourselves along the way in order to best achieve our goals. She made us feel in control of and supported in every aspect of our labor and birth experience.

Honestly every moment of doula care was valuable to us and since the birth of our daughter, we have continued to tell everyone it was the best decision and investment we’ve ever made. We really can’t think of anything, our experience and care could not have been better! Working with Rebecca went above and beyond what we hoped for and expected in every capacity. Rebecca is amazing!!!

Allix Potratz-Lee
Moscow, Idaho

I feel 100% satisfied with the care we received by Rebecca! The most valuable aspect of Rebecca’s care was her positive and calm energy. While laboring, I felt so comfortable with her, which allowed me the freedom to be honest with her about my needs and act in a way that felt natural to me.

Our midwife recommended that we hire a doula (specifically recommended Rebecca!) as she believed it was especially helpful for first-time mothers. After meeting with Rebecca, my husband and I were convinced that we definitely wanted a doula to be a part of our birth team. Because this was our first birth, we were very interested in the pre-labor practice and that Rebecca would come to our home during labor and help us know when would be the right time to transfer to the birth center. Looking back, I cannot imagine our birth experience without Rebecca! Discussing labor and practicing labor positions several weeks in advance was very helpful for my husband and me. I also appreciated Rebecca’s check-ins, positive messages, and evidence-based information/resources she shared with us. While laboring, Rebecca’s support and guidance helped me feel calm and confident. I believe she helped us get to the birth center at the perfect time. Both at home and the birth center, Rebecca was attentive to my needs, provided support and guidance, always thoughtfully included my husband, and treated us both with respect and compassion.

I think every family would benefit from the support and care provided by a doula. Working with Rebecca, I especially appreciated her attention to detail. Before meeting with her, she would always ask if there was anything specific that my husband and I wanted to cover. She thoughtfully provided evidence-based information when we asked questions. I never felt pressured or judged by her and always felt that we were listened to and our decisions were fully supported and respected. Rebecca always had a positive attitude, which helped ease a lot of my anxiety as a first-time mom. I appreciated that she had a holistic view of birth. I loved that she focused on both my husband and I’s physical and emotional well-being. During our first meeting, she asked us how we wanted to feel after our baby was born. I had been so focused on what could go wrong during birth that I had not really considered how wonderful of an experience birth could be and should be. Throughout the remaining weeks of my pregnancy, I continued to reflect on this question. I really think this helped me to better balance birth as both a natural, physical process and an emotional/spiritual journey to motherhood.

I feel 100% satisfied with the care we received by Rebecca! The most valuable aspect of Rebecca’s care was her positive and calm energy. While laboring, I felt so comfortable with her, which allowed me the freedom to be honest with her about my needs and act in a way that felt natural to me. I also really appreciated that she constantly made sure to include my husband.

Honestly, we could not think of anything that we would have wanted different. I feel like Rebecca was a great match for our family.

Rebecca Lindsey
Pullman, Washington

Rebecca was a wealth of information to my boyfriend and I before labor, and a dream to have while going through labor! I can look back at my birth experience and have a positive memory about labor because of her.

My main goal for my birth was to have an un-medicated labor with as few interventions as possible. My biggest fear was that the pain during labor would be too intense and I would not have the coping techniques in order to go without medication. I also feared that my partner would be under too much pressure to support me during labor.

Having Rebecca as my doula helped me complete my birth wishes during labor. She supported my partner and I during my 32-hour labor so that I did not have to resort to an epidural or other medication (other than nitrous oxide during the last 2 hours when I was in the pushing stage.) Rebecca was an immense support and helped me have the labor that I had imagined! She supported my birth wishes throughout the whole process!

For us, the most valuable part of our doula care was being able to have Rebecca on call for us starting at 38 weeks. We were able to contact her for any need or concern, as well as have her come over to our apartment when labor started, even if it had been false labor.

The money we spent on our doula care was worth every penny! Since it was my boyfriend and my first pregnancy, it gave us both a lot of security knowing that we had support lined up for all parts of the process – pregnancy, labor and postpartum.

If a friend were considering a doula, I would tell them to definitely hire one! I would highly recommend Rebecca to a friend or family member. She was a wealth of information to my boyfriend and I before labor, and a dream to have while going through labor! She was dependable, informative, kind, considerate of all my goals and wishes for labor, and a great support throughout pregnancy, labor and postpartum for both my boyfriend and I! I can look back at my birth experience and have a positive memory about labor because of her.

Caitlin S.
Moscow, Idaho

The most valuable thing about having a doula was the peace of mind that came with knowing we had an experienced advocate to help us deal with the unexpected.

Honestly, I did not know much about doulas prior to hiring Rebecca. I think our biggest concern once we became pregnant was that, because our extended families do not live locally, we were essentially on our own for preparing for and getting through labor. So, we wanted to have someone who could fill the role of experienced supporter/advocate. In this sense, I thought Rebecca would be most involved during labor, but she was also really helpful in helping us think through our other preparations and understanding all of the choices you have to make once the baby arrives.

During labor, having Rebecca available to be there as a source of encouragement when we were getting tired, and just knowing that she was a second set of ears and eyes to keep track of all of the different things that go on during labor, was a huge benefit. Our labor did not go exactly as planned, but having Rebecca there to remind us that we had talked about contingencies and to refocus our thinking was something that significantly improved the experience. Ultimately, we wanted labor and birth–however it ended up–to be a positive experience, and Rebecca kept that goal in mind throughout.

I think a doula is most helpful if you want someone to help you navigate the non-medical aspects of labor. As helpful as they can be, you can only ask doctors and nurses so much. A doula is someone who will be there to let you know whether something is “normal” or not, and to educate/remind you about things that sometimes fall through the cracks (like having a post-partum plan, for instance).

Rebecca is all about education and making informed choices. However, she is not someone who will tell you what to do. If you want someone who will provide more explicit direction before and during labor (a more traditional “coach”), Rebecca is probably not a good fit. However, if you are looking for someone who will make sure you are considering all options when making decisions, and who will keep your family’s interests at the forefront, I would highly recommend Rebecca.

The most valuable thing about having a doula was the peace of mind that came with knowing we had an experienced advocate to help us deal with the unexpected. As first-time parents who were unfamiliar with most aspects of the labor process, Rebecca was there to help us prepare for labor, answer all of our questions, and be a source of calm and clarity once we got to the hospital.

Scott J.
Pullman, Washington

I have told all of my friends that a doula is the greatest investment anyone can make in the birthing journey. Rebecca is seriously worth her weight in gold!

I knew that emotional support is the most overlooked and yet the most important part of the birthing experience. Having a person designated to be my advocate, supporter, and coach was a key component to having a successful birth. After our meetings with Rebecca before labor, my husband and I finally felt ready and eager for labor to begin. Rebecca came to our home on two separate occasions and spent one session reviewing baby care basics, and another session going over labor support positions that my husband and I could practice. She also provided insight and education on changes in marriage dynamics as a baby enters the picture.

I have told all of my friends that a doula is the greatest investment anyone can make in the birthing journey. Rebecca is seriously worth her weight in gold! My husband and I had moved to Moscow the month before our baby was born and Rebecca was a vital part of making us feel prepared and supported in our new community.

Rebecca’s endurance alone was incredible. She was right by my side throughout my labor walking with me, rubbing my back, offering me sustenance, running the tens unit with every contraction, spraying hot water on my back, and so much more. At one point she physically used herself as a table for me to lean on. Rebecca’s calm, positive energy really set the tone for the whole labor. I couldn’t imagine Rebecca improving on any part of her doula care. Seriously, she was amazing.

Katherine M.
Moscow, Idaho

Whenever I told my providers that Rebecca was my doula, they were visibly happy and enthusiastic about it. She not only works well with her clients, she works well with the doctors and hospital staff, which is so important, as well. She really is a great bridge between the doctor and the mother.

My biggest worry going into this delivery was feeling like I had choice and autonomy. Even before the delivery, Rebecca was an incredible resource, helping remind me of my options and reassuring me that I was still in control of my own body. During the actual delivery, Rebecca was a calming presence, helping me feel supported as I followed what my body needed.

I loved how positive, empowering, and educated Rebecca was. She listened to all of my thoughts and concerns, she responded to them, and she was simply there to help me through this journey — before, during, and after. I loved having someone consistent through all of it, and such a supportive person, too. She also had amazing resources for me to consult, which really helped with my postpartum healing as I tried various ways to make sure my stitches were taken care of properly. I also want to mention that, whenever I told my providers that Rebecca was my doula, they were visibly happy and enthusiastic about it. She not only works well with her clients, she works well with the doctors and hospital staff, which is so important, as well. She really is a great bridge between the doctor and the mother.

She was an incredible doula and I am so glad I hired her. It was worth every cent! Having Rebecca as a resource before delivery, during delivery, and checking up postpartum was so nice. I felt taken care of throughout the whole process, and I loved that reassurance. She helped me feel like this process was one I didn’t have to walk alone. I loved the physical support she gave me, the words of encouragement, and the way she checked in with me verbally.

Sarah B.
Moscow, Idaho

I am not sure how Rebecca could be more supportive in this capacity because she was the best doula we ever had.

My biggest fear about hiring a doula was that I would have to have a Cesarean delivery and would basically “waste” my money. In fact, I do not think the money would have been wasted at all since Rebecca was such a great informant when it came to all the particulars of my birth situation. We did end up deciding to go with an induction due to the situation and the information she was able to find and share with me was invaluable. She also continued to assist me in asking all members of our birth team the necessary questions and being more self advocating which helped ease my anxieties over EVERYTHING before and during the birth and labor process. She was willing to be with me throughout the entire labor and birth even though we knew the induction situation could take us over our prepaid hour amount. All these matters were discussed ahead of time and everything was in place before I went in for the procedure. In addition, since things were progressing normally this birth ended up being almost completely like a natural one since I wasn’t on any medications by the end.

I would totally recommend a doula hands down. We would not have made it through any of our births without them. I would specifically recommend with Rebecca to ask a lot of questions and get all the necessary information related to your situation. She has a goldmine of resources and don’t be afraid to tap into those. It is so important to ask questions to help yourself feel at ease regarding your birth situation whatever that may be.

The return on my investment would be that I felt TOTALLY supported. Not only was Rebecca there for me when I walked into the hospital for the induction, but she also was available to me and my family postpartum to help us with our older children and acclimate to having another baby in our house. My older kids were super demanding of her, too, and she just took everything in stride.

I am not sure how Rebecca could be more supportive in this capacity because she was the best doula we ever had. She even made muffins for the hospital staff, brought flowers for our birth room, left for a while so she could take a nap and be more attentive in case we went into the night, and just made me feel like I had help through the whole thing.

Moscow, Idaho

We had a full return on our investment in a doula. Despite our labor plan taking a completely different turn than what we had planned for, having our doula made our experience better. Rebecca is a uniquely engaging individual and your story is safe with her.

The primary concern leading our decision in hiring a doula was our desire in having as natural a birth as possible.

We had a full return on our investment in a doula. Despite our labor plan taking a completely different turn than what we had planned for, having our doula made our experience better than not having her because we had no close family to process the changes and adjust to a C section birth. Our doula provided the support we needed as well as the necessary guidance to provide us with the additional care and attention we needed during the difficult and joyous time.

I would recommend every birthing couple to meet with a doula to consult on what a doula could help/add to their birthing experience…I think too often people with family and friends assign the “doula” role to people they know without realizing the added benefits of hiring a doula despite the many friends they may have. A doula really takes care of the mom-to-be and is a great support for the dad-to-be to have as well. I would tell others to be as open and honest with Rebecca from the start to fully invest in this process. Rebecca is a uniquely engaging individual and your story is safe with her.

Filipp Muzychenko and Maria Carrillo
Pullman, Washington

Rebecca was great about filling whatever role was needed during the birth process, becoming a critical member of the team, along with our nurse, and doctor.

I think the biggest worry we had about birth was the unknown.  Being our first child, it was difficult to know exactly what to expect.  I was worried about knowing the right positions to recommend, or breathing techniques, or just how to best support my wife during birth.  Having Rebecca there rounded out our birth team.  I think all of us during the birth got in a rhythm and played a crucial role, and I couldn’t imagine the birth without Rebecca there.

I would highly recommend working with a doula.  For us, giving birth in the hospital, Rebecca helped bridge the aspects of midwifery we were intrigued by and the security of a hospital birth that gave us some comfort and ease.  She was great about filling whatever role was needed during the birth process, becoming a critical member of the team, along with our nurse, and doctor.  Rebecca is truly a kind soul, and is great at reading the situation and filling the role you need from her.

Doula care made us more confident and relaxed going into the birthing process.  Even the small things made such a big difference: like meeting us at the hospital to check in for induction.  Having that presence alone reduced our nervousness, and helped make the birth experience extremely positive for us. Rebecca is awesome!

Stephen Johnson
Moscow, Idaho

Although we didn’t experience the birth we had planned, I know that my experience was still wonderful because I had the extra support of these kind, loving, and knowledgeable doulas!

Hiring Marci and Laurel was one of the best decisions my husband and I made when preparing for our baby’s arrival. We were on the fence about needing a doula, but after learning about the positive outcomes of having a doula’s assistance during birth, and then meeting these awesome ladies, we both agreed it was what we needed to complete our birth team. Our original plan was to have an unmedicated birth at a local birth center, but with a breech baby who had no intent on turning (many futile attempts were made) we had to reconsider our options. Both Marci and Laurel provided us with advice and gave us the opportunity to make the best informed decision for our family. I especially appreciated the emotional support I received as I grieved the loss of the birth I had diligently planned and prepared for. Once we made our decision, I had no regrets because of the support I felt in making this difficult decision for our family. Marci was our doula the day I went into labor (baby decided to come early before we scheduled a c-section) and I was worried she may not make it because they were going to get us into the OR soon after our arrival at the hospital. She arrived quickly and I couldn’t be more thankful to have a friend and supporter in this unknown territory. She gave me the confidence to let our wishes be known to our nurses and doctors, and she was ready to accompany us to the OR, although they didn’t allow us to bring her :(. Our belly birth went well, and when we got back to our room Marci was such a comfort to have during the whirlwind of emotions. She made sure to take pictures of me and my son when I got to have my first real look at him after surgery and they are some of my favorite pictures of us together! I was contacted and visited by both doulas in the days following the birth and with no local family, it meant more to me than anything else to have people offering their love and support during this brand new phase of life. My relationship with both ladies continues, even months after the birth. Because of them, I have had the opportunity to connect with local mothers and I have had a network of great new parenting resources. Although we didn’t experience the birth we had planned, I know that my experience was still wonderful because I had the extra support of these kind, loving, and knowledgeable doulas! Thank you Laurel and Marci!!

Kat N
Pullman, Washington