Rebecca Haley

Owner / Doula / Educator

After experiencing the powerful impact of doula care during the birth of her own daughter, Rebecca felt called to support other families in the birthing process and to celebrate their transformation as they welcome new persons into their lives. Owner and operator of Palouse Women’s Wellness, Rebecca has supported more than 25 clients as a birth and postpartum doula. After attending a DONA Birth Doula training workshop in July 2017 and completing an apprenticeship with Palouse Women’s Wellness founders Laurel Bake and Marci Miller, Rebecca continuously strives to educate herself so she can offer her clients the most accurate, effective, and compassionate care. Rebecca’s greatest joy comes from empowering partners and family members to support their loved ones with confidence.

Laurel Bake

Founder / Doula / Childbirth Educator

Laurel’s journey as a body literacy advocate and educator began over a decade ago, when she asked her doctor for alternatives to a hormonal birth control that she felt was giving her undesirable side effects. The doctor dismissed her concerns outright. Unconvinced by the exchange, Laurel went looking for other options, and found validation both in the shared experiences of other women and in absorbing scientific knowledge that gave her a deeper understanding of her body and its normal cycles. When she decided to have her first baby, this passion naturally gave way to a desire for an informed and aware pregnancy and birth experience. She was surprised to discover that she was still sometimes caught off-guard by providers offering a lack of informed consent/refusal or not knowing exactly what questions she should ask. When a friend asked Laurel to attend an upcoming birth, she decided to attend a birth doula training to prepare. There, she discovered a new passion for birthwork, and found the natural meeting place of woman-centric support with evidence-based best practices. She attended births as often as she could for friends, and after the birth of her second daughter was able to step away from her office job and pursue birthwork full-time. Alongside Marci Miller, Laurel founded Palouse Women’s Wellness to provide full-spectrum education and doula services to families on the Palouse. In 2018, she was selected to move into a full-time position with the Idaho Army National Guard, and passed the PWW torch to Rebecca! Laurel lives on a few acres outside of Troy with her husband, two daughters, and a menagerie of pets and farm animals, and, when able, serves as a back-up doula and guest educator.

Marci Miller

Founder / Placenta Encapsulator / Educator

Marci has always loved babies. As a young girl, she was the one babysitting during church (and it got her out of the pew!) and she became a full-time nanny after high school. She began picking up books about birth, namely Ina May Gaskin’s Spiritual Midwifery in her early 20’s. Five years ago, she attended her first birth at the home of a friend. Afterwards, the midwife who attended pulled her aside and asked her to please become a doula, as she was meant for this work. She attended a DONA training in the fall of 2013, became a DONA-certified birth doula. She and her husband, dog and two cats live on a urban homestead in Moscow, Idaho. Her husband is the purveyor and full-time farmer at Deep Roots Farm. Throughout the year, the farm hosts different educational events for the public in concert with Rural Roots and University of Idaho Extension. Marci also teaches as part of the Cultivating Success beginning farmer education in Idaho. Marci now has stepped back from full-time birthwork to serve as the education director of Rural Roots, but continues to offer placenta encapsulation and belly binding as well as education and back-up doula support.